Love you, love myself tired

 Love you, love myself tired You disappeared supra uk ,and took my heart, into the distance. Leaving only the lonely go on with my body, without you I Do not follow, except like you to read you.

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However, the good news is the sad and helpless the moment no longer love you, but I coach purses ,began to regret it. The original in your already taken root in my heart, even though I want to forget about you, but I, I, I just can not forget, can not afford to lose share of mind for you miss.

Even if not love you, When you're lonely, but still could not help but think of you, even if you're not next to me, but in my heart it will always make a place for you, Oh, I can not love ecco shoes sale ,you the original and no longer want you, love you always forget this habit, it may, I was really tired, love you.

I really love tired I also do not want to love you imprisoned in a cage, and slowly looked at his old day by day, but always can not coach luggage ,wait for the results you want. If two people can not spend, then I would prefer to live a lonely, but also a clearly better than two people in love but have to suffer the pain of separation is more straightforward, more thorough.

Par airmaxhoney le jeudi 19 mai 2011


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